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Trans* & Intersex Services - Australia

A.I.S. Support Group, Australia

A.I.S. Support Group Australia aims to put parents and people with A.I.S. and other intersex variations in touch with each other in a safe and confidential environment and encourage them to seek support and information, to reduce the secrecy, stigma and taboo surrounding A.I.S.and other intersex variations by encouraging doctors, parents and society to be more open, to encourage the provision of psychological support within the medical system, for young people with A.I.S., other intersex variations, and their parents, to increase the availability of information on A.I.S. and other intersex variations both verbal and written, to encourage improvements in the treatment for men and women with A.I.S. and other intersex variations in both surgical and non-surgical means and to encourage research into gender and sexual identity issues.

Australia and New Zealand Professional Association for Transgender Health

Australian Transgender Support Association of Queensland (A.T.S.A.Q.)

The Australian Transgender Support Association of Queensland was formed in 1990 to help, advise and assist the transgender community in Queensland. It is run by transgenders for transgenders and provides emotional/moral support for transgender people, their families and friends. They also educate and try to dispel misunderstanding and combat discrimination and liaise with medical professionals and all forms of government to assist in better policy.

C.A.H. Australia

The Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Support Group, Australia is a not for profit group run entirely by volunteers providing support nationally for parents of newly diagnosed children with C.A.H., ongoing family needs and education and adults living with C.A.H.C.A.H. Support Group, Australia is also working to improve knowledge and services for those diagnosed withC.A.H.

Darling House Community Library (South Australia)

A non-profit, community based resource that operates as a joint project of the (now defunct)AIDS Council of S.A. and the Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of S.A.

  • (08) 8334 1606 or Freecall 1800 888 559 (outside Adelaide)
  • 64 Fullarton Rd Norwood S.A.
  • P.O. 907 Kent Town S.A. 5071

F.T.M. Australia

F.T.M. Australia is a membership-based network which has offered contact, resources and health information for men identified female at birth, their family members (partners, parents, siblings and others), healthcare providers and other professionals, government and policy makers since 2001. They publish a quarterly newsletter called 'Torque' and run an email discussion list called 'OzGuys' which is open to all members living in Australia and New Zealand.

Freedom Centre (Western Australia)

Freedom Centre is a youth owned drop-in space for young people (under 26) who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning to drop-in, hang out, and meet new people who know where you're coming from and get support and info that's right for you! They provide information resources and if you can't find what you want to know, they'll do everything they can to get the info you need! Freedom Centre also runs workshops, retreats, activities and events and offers a range of individually tailored training sessions and presentations for professionals and workshops for groups and students. If you can't make it down to the Centre you can still stay in touch with the Freedom Centre team on tumblr or check out the forum and be part of the online community!

Gay and Lesbian Community Service (Western Australia)

As Western Australia's main community based L.G.B.T. service provider, Gay and Lesbian Community Service's main focus is on providing essential services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities, including our peer counselling phone line and social support groups. They also offer a number of training options for the general community, ranging from one-hour personal perspectives talks to half- and full-day workplace training in diverse sexuality and gender and have a successful history of running funded projects, often in partnership with other community groups.

National L.G.B.T.I. Health Alliance

The National L.G.B.T.I. Health Alliance are a coalition of organisations from across Australia which provide health-related programs, services and research targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and other sexuality, sex and gender diverse people While not seeking to speak for everyone, their goals are to facilitate a national agenda for L.G.B.T.I. health and wellbeing, advocacy with a national voice on L.G.B.T.I. health needs at a national level, political commitment to the support of L.G.B.T.I. health, access to national funding for L.G.B.T.I. health projects, the sharing of information and resources to build capacity in the L.G.B.T.I. health sector, the identification of social determinants that have health implications for L.G.B.T.I.communities.

O.I.I. Australia

O.I.I. Australia is a not-for-profit company that aims to support intersex individuals by providing information and contact with other intersex people, campaign in favour of human rights for intersex people, encourage an exchange of ideas and different perspectives about intersex from various groups and geographical regions, provide information concerning actual life experiences of people with intersex variations to medical personnel working with infants with atypical sex anatomy, to psychological experts, sexologists, sociologists and specialists in feminism and to assist families and friends of intersex individuals to understand intersex and to cope with the specific problems related to the role as a support person.

Perth Inner City Youth Service

Perth Inner City Youth Service provides a non-judgmental, holistic, strength based approach with psychosocial support for young people in accommodation and transitioning or moving toward independent living. Support Services available at Perth Inner City Youth Service includes help with income and budgeting; living skills; employment; education; advocacy and family mediation; counselling and practical support; support around drug use, mental health, relationships, diverse sexuality and/or gender and parenting.

S.A.G.E. Australia

S.A.G.E. Australia is a non-profit grassroots lobbying organisation made up of gender variant people who aim to educate, campaign and lobby governments for the rights of all sex and gender diverse people, transsexual, transgender, intersex, androgynous, without sex and/or gender identity in all aspects of life in Australia. Membership is free, all welcome.

Transbridge (Queensland)

Transbridge is a support group for transgenders in the Townsville area. They have connections with sexual health, mental health, H.I.V./AIDS counselling and others by association, and can be contacted for twenty-four hour support.

Transgender Anti-Violence Project

The Transgender Anti-Violence Project provides a range of free, confidential services including education, support, referrals and advocacy in relation to violence and oppression based on one's gender identity. The Project addresses all forms of violence that impact on the transgender, gender-diverse and gender-questioning community, including (but not limited to) domestic violence, sexual violence, anti-transgender harassment, hate crimes, verbal abuse, physical attacks, bullying, discrimination, stalking and family violence. They need to know about your experiences to be able to help you personally and to document the event in order to stop it from happening to others. When you make a report to the T.A.V.P. you will be assigned a support worker to assess the nature and level of support you may require. The Project will then provide ongoing assistance and referral services, including support when reporting to police, counselling, legal support, court support and medical support and follow-up support.

True Colours Program (Western Australia)

True Colours is an initiative of the Uniting Church in Western Australia and provides a safe and inclusive environment for young people with diverse sexuality and/or gender identities and their families. The program includes social peer support groups for young people between the age of 15 and 25; information, support and advocacy for young people (as well as their families and friends), who are exploring their sexuality and/or gender identity; referrals and links to allied youth and community support services; opportunities for young people to be involved in peer education, community development and other initiatives. The program also provides information and support to allied agencies and workplaces including schools under their 'Safer Schools Project'. True Colours is based in Bunbury and provides these services to the south west region of Western Australia.
