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Starting with C

C.A.H. Australia

The Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Support Group, Australia is a not for profit group run entirely by volunteers providing support nationally for parents of newly diagnosed children with C.A.H., ongoing family needs and education and adults living with C.A.H.C.A.H. Support Group, Australia is also working to improve knowledge and services for those diagnosed withC.A.H.

Canberra Transgender Network

Carmen Rupe Memorial Trust

Information to come.

Carrousel Club of South Australia

The Carrousel Club of South Australia is a social and support group for transgender people in Adelaide. They provide emotional and social support for transgender people, their family and friends in a relaxed atmosphere. They also provide information and guidance, and share individual stories on transitioning and can help with contacting counsellors, medical professionals and other supports in South Australia. The Carrousel Club of South Australia create an environment where it is safe to express, examine, construct and develop your gender identity with people who are doing the very same thing.

Central Tablelands Transgender Information Service

The Central Tablelands Transgender Information Service provides information and support for anyone seeking medical or psychological assistance in changing gender. The Central Tablelands Transgender Information Service provides information on gender friendly services available in the Bathurst area of New South Wales and support and understanding for families and friends in a non-counselling atmosphere and operates 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Friday.

  • 0412 700 924

Chameleon Society of Victoria

The Chameleon Society of Victoria is not exclusive to the transgender community but welcomes all those who have a genuine interest including partners, friends and family, as are medical, legal, psychological and counselling practitioners. While the group does not meet on a regular basis it is there to provide support and information to those requiring assistance.

  • (03) 9517 9416 (message bank)
  • P.O. Box 79 Altona Vic. 3018

Chameleon Society of Western Australia

Counselling, information and support aimed at minimising the isolation of transgender people in Western Australia.

Chameleons (South Australia)

Counselling, information and support aimed at minimising the isolation of transgender people in South Australia.

  • (08) 8293 3700 (Business Hours) (08) 8346 2516 (After Hours)
  • P.O. Box 2603 Kent Town S.A. 5071

Changeling Aspects

Changeling Aspects is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, which is solely self-funded. Their aim is to help transgender people, their family and friends, with information and advice.

Chromosomal Mosaicism

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (C.A.H.) Australia
