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Starting with B

Beautiful You M.R.K.H. Foundation


Bi-N.S.W. is the umbrella body for all the various groups within the bisexual community of New South Wales. It is an organization which provides an opportunity for bisexual and bisexual friendly people to meet together in non-discriminatory, welcoming, comfortable, safe, and friendly spaces, make new friends and share worthwhile information. The founding group of our community is the Sydney Bisexual Network who get together for monthly social drinks but also meet for serious discussions. The Network is not a counselling service (though we'll always have sympathetic ears) and is also not a 'pick-up club' or swingers group, however people do make new friends and even lovers, we simply aim for a harassment-free social space where we can relate to each other, educate each other, and have fun.

Births, Deaths & Marriages N.S.W.: Change of Name

Births, Deaths & Marriages N.S.W.: Change of Sex

Bobby Goldsmith Foundation

Bobby Goldsmith Foundation provides direct financial and practical assistance, financial counselling, housing and employment support to the most vulnerable people living disadvantaged by HIV in New South Wales. Because there is such stigma connected to HIV, that friend who urgently needs your help is unlikely to tell you. Your donation helps people withHIV to stay in their homes and out of hospital, pay for vital medications, return to work and live well.

Breastscreen N.S.W.

BreastScreen N.S.W. is part of a national program, BreastScreen Australia, which is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and state and territory governments The service aims to detect breast cancer early before it has a chance to spread. Early detection of cancer increases the treatment options available and improves the chance of survival from the disease. The BreastScreen N.S.W. Coordination Unit is managed by the Cancer Institute N.S.W. The program is delivered by eight Screening and Assessment Services, which are located and managed within Local Health Districts.
