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Starting with P

Perth Inner City Youth Service

Perth Inner City Youth Service provides a non-judgmental, holistic, strength based approach with psychosocial support for young people in accommodation and transitioning or moving toward independent living. Support Services available at Perth Inner City Youth Service includes help with income and budgeting; living skills; employment; education; advocacy and family mediation; counselling and practical support; support around drug use, mental health, relationships, diverse sexuality and/or gender and parenting.

Positive Life N.S.W.

Positive Life N.S.W. works to promote a positive image of people living with and affected byHIV with the aim of eliminating prejudice, isolation, stigma and discrimination. They provide information and targeted referrals, and advocate to change systems and practices that discriminate against people with HIV, our friends, family and carers in N.S.W.

Press For Change (United Kingdom)

Prostitutes Collective of New Zealand

New Zealand Prostitutes Collective supports the work of female, male, and transgender sex workers by providing information and support in respect to the rights of sex workers, community centres where you can drop in, free information for people who are working, or thinking about working, in any part of the sex industry, condoms and water based lubricants, magazines for all workers in the sex industry, information on HIVAIDS and other S.T.I.s, information on the law and sex work, information on tax, free and anonymous sexual health clinics where you can have check-ups, needle exchange services, referral services to other helpful agencies, support for people who want to change direction, either inside or outside the sex industry, information for people starting a brothel, information on occupational health and safety guidelines; and information about contracts, etc.
