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Starting with I

Inner City Legal Centre

The Inner City Legal Centre is a non-profit community based legal centre that has been providing free legal services to residents and workers in the inner city and surrounding areas since 1980. Their services include: information and referral services; telephone advice to community and social workers during business hours; urgent telephone advice available; specialist state-wide transgender legal advice; special state-wide gay and lesbian legal advice; community legal education sessions/publications; law reform and campaign work; home/hospital visits where necessary; free legal advice by appointment on weekday evenings by volunteer solicitors; free legal advice for sex workers; Safe Relationships Project; domestic violence court assistance.

International Foundation of Gender Education (I.F.G.E.)

International Transgender Day of Remembrance

Intersex Awareness New Zealand

Registered non-profit charitable trust to provide a number of educational, advocacy and liaison services to intersex people, their parents, caregivers, family, friends and partners within the community and those affected by the community.
