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Starting with S

S.A.G.E. Australia

S.A.G.E. Australia is a non-profit grassroots lobbying organisation made up of gender variant people who aim to educate, campaign and lobby governments for the rights of all sex and gender diverse people, transsexual, transgender, intersex, androgynous, without sex and/or gender identity in all aspects of life in Australia. Membership is free, all welcome.

Sane Australia

Scarlet Alliance

Scarlet Alliance is the national peak sex worker organisation in Australia. Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association, through their objectives, policies and programs, aims to achieve equality, social, legal, political, cultural and economic justice for past and present workers in the sex industry, in order for sex workers to be self-determining agents, building their own alliances and choosing where and how they work.

Seahorse Club of Victoria

A fully constituted self-help group financed by members subscriptions. Full or postal membership is open to transpersons who understand and respect the purpose of the club. Partners are also considered to be members. We have private monthly social meetings with speakers from relevant professions. Besides a monthly magazine and a library, we offer a contact mail service.

Seahorse Society of N.S.W.

The Seahorse Society of New South Wales is a non-profit social and support organisation for cross-dressers and transgender people in New South Wales, Australia. The aims of the Society are to bring cross-dressers together socially to meet like-minded people in a safe and comfortable environment. The Society holds meetings once a month at hired premises in Sydney, and also organizes restaurant nights, harbour cruises and the yearly Seahorse Ball. Other benefits include a monthly magazine and access to a library of books and videos. They also offer support to partners, family and friends and strive to promote a better understanding of cross-dressing in society generally, by providing information upon request.

Second Type Woma

Sex Worker Support in New South Wales

S.W.O.P. provides sexual health information and support to people who engage in sex work.S.W.O.P. offers free and confidential services open to all people who engage in sex work - everyone providing sex for cash, favours, drugs, clothing, a place to stay, alcohol or anything else either often or on occasion. These include: safe sex 'workers packs' with condoms, gloves, dams and lube, H.I.V. and sexual health information, health and workplace safety information, confidential counselling and support, safer injecting equipment, employment information, internet and computer access, sex worker magazines and printed resources, and outreach to sex industry workplaces. S.W.O.P. also provides training to other services to create a better understanding of sex worker issues.

Sex Worker Support in Queensland

Respect is a non-profit community based association of past and present sex workers focused on the rights and wellbeing of sex workers in Queensland. Respect's services include supplies for sex work, drop-in spaces, peer support, community education, outreach and in-person workshops. All of these services are free to sex workers. You can call or drop by to get information, do a workshop, use the internet, get some help with your sex work issues or just hang out, have a coffee or cold drink. Respect is located in Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville and on the Gold Coast.

Sex Worker Support in South Australia

S.I.N. is run by sex workers for sex workers and offers peer support, education, information, advocacy and referral services for sex workers in South Australia. S.I.N. has a safe sex shop at Underdale where you can get information, advice as well as all your safe sex needs. They have a huge range of condoms, lube, dams and other products. They also offer an outreach service and have a needle and syringe programme on premises and can assist sex workers who inject drugs with peer support and free injecting equipment.

Sex Worker Support in Tasmania

Tasmania remains the only Australian state or territory without funded sex worker peer education - see the Scarlet Alliance website for information regarding the sex industry in Tasmania.

Sex Worker Support in the Australian Capital Territory

S.W.O.P. provides sexual health information and support to people who engage in sex work. They run a variety of health promotion programs and provide outreach to sex industry workplaces. S.W.O.P. also works with sex industry owners and operators to encourage the acceptance and maintenance of safe sex practices, and other forms of workplace health and safety. S.W.O.P. is a peer-based project whose primary purpose is H.I.V.AIDS and S.T.I.prevention, education, advocacy and referral for sex workers in Canberra. They promote sex industry work as a valid occupational choice, and encourage recognition of personal and occupational rights.

Sex Worker Support in the Northern Territory

S.W.O.P. is a harm reducing and awareness raising initiative for the sex work industry in the Northern Territory. S.W.O.P. provides new worker training sessions on request, will deliver safe-sex products to your door, provide education sessions to organisations involved with the sex work industry and produces a magazine exclusively for sex workers. S.W.O.P. delivers education to individuals and organisations on safe sex practices, works closely with other organisations to reduce the stigma associated with the sex work industry to prevent discrimination when accessing services.

Sex Worker Support in Victoria

RhED aims to improve the health and wellbeing of sex workers of all sexes, genders and sexualities working at brothels, at escort agencies, in private situations, on the streets and at other negotiated venues in Victoria. Their services include free confidential telephone, drop-in and outreach services; support and debriefing; counselling by appointment; information, referral and advocacy; sexual health screening; allied health services and health information; education about sexually transmissible infections, HIV and blood borne viruses; educational resources, supplies of needles and syringes, condoms and lube; O.H.&S. information; Ugly Mugs Reports, RED industry magazine; interpreter service and translated educational materials in Thai and Chinese.

Sex Worker Support in Western Australia

Magenta provides outreach and in-house services to sex workers in commercial sexual services and small owner operated businesses. Magenta aims to promote the health and safety of sex workers through: health promotion, advocacy, and community education; and to provide high quality services that respond to the diverse and changing needs of people associated with the sex industry. Magenta provides confidential and sex worker friendly services and respects the needs of those in the sex industry.
