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N.S.W. Gender Centre

The Gender Centre is committed to developing and providing services and activities which enhance the ability of people with gender issues to make informed choices. The Gender Centre is also committed to educating the public and providers about the needs of people with gender issues. We offer a wide range of services to people with gender issues, their partners, families and friends in New South Wales. We also act as an education, support, training and referral/resource Centre to other organisations and Service Providers.

N.S.W. Users & AIDS Association (N.U.A.A.)

The N.S.W. Users and AIDS Association (N.U.A.A.) is a not-for-profit N.S.W.-based organisation advocating for people who use drugs, particularly those who inject drugs. Funded primarily by the N.S.W. Health Department, N.U.A.A. provides education, practical support, information and advocacy to users of illicit drugs, their friends, and allies. N.U.A.A. has often led the way in developing innovative approaches to peer education and community development, and has contributed to Australia having one of the lowest H.I.V. rates amongst injecting drug users in the world.

National Centre for Transgender Equality (United States)

National L.G.B.T.I. Health Alliance

The National L.G.B.T.I. Health Alliance are a coalition of organisations from across Australia which provide health-related programs, services and research targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and other sexuality, sex and gender diverse people While not seeking to speak for everyone, their goals are to facilitate a national agenda for L.G.B.T.I. health and wellbeing, advocacy with a national voice on L.G.B.T.I. health needs at a national level, political commitment to the support of L.G.B.T.I. health, access to national funding for L.G.B.T.I. health projects, the sharing of information and resources to build capacity in the L.G.B.T.I. health sector, the identification of social determinants that have health implications for L.G.B.T.I.communities.

Need Assistance

Need Assistance?

The Gender Centre 02 9569-2366 or Click here to Contact Us via our website

Out of hour’s counselling contact Life Line 13 11 14

Out of hours counselling Q Life 1800-184-527

If you are Homeless and need emergency assistance contact Link 2 Home 188-152-152

If you are experiencing a medical emergency call 000
