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Starting with W

W.A. Gender Project

Women in Prison Advocacy Network

Women in Prison Advocacy Network is a grassroots community charity governed by women, including reformed ex-prisoners, dedicated to advancing the prospects and wellbeing of women and female youth affected by the criminal justice system and help women ex-prisoners settle back into life on the outside. Their mentoring program is a great way to get the support needed - meet face-to-face weekly, get assistance to locate necessary services, talk confidentially about life's challenges, enjoy activities together, strengthen confidence and self-esteem, create mutual trust and respect, have a positive role model and develop life skills.

Women's and Girl's Emergency Centre

Women's and Girl's Emergency Centre is a support service for women with or without children who are at risk of, or experiencing homelessness in the inner-city of Sydney. They provide access to basic necessities such as food, material and social assistance, a safe space, and a place to create community. They also provide case management services to assist women to access housing, medical, drug and alcohol, mental health, legal and other services; an outreach service to help clients attend appointments and court support; and a day drop-in-centre which provides an array of services within itself. Other services include a domestic violence support group; communication skills group; a legal clinic and counselling.

Working It Out (Tasmania)

Working in Out is Tasmania's sexuality and gender support and education service providing counselling and support, mentoring for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (L.G.B.T.I.) Tasmanians, and education and training programmes to schools, workplaces, government and non-government organisations. Working It Out is located in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie.
