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Trans* & Intersex Services - South Australia

Carrousel Club of South Australia

The Carrousel Club of South Australia is a social and support group for transgender people in Adelaide. They provide emotional and social support for transgender people, their family and friends in a relaxed atmosphere. They also provide information and guidance, and share individual stories on transitioning and can help with contacting counsellors, medical professionals and other supports in South Australia. The Carrousel Club of South Australia create an environment where it is safe to express, examine, construct and develop your gender identity with people who are doing the very same thing.

Chameleons (South Australia)

Counselling, information and support aimed at minimising the isolation of transgender people in South Australia.

  • (08) 8293 3700 (Business Hours) (08) 8346 2516 (After Hours)
  • P.O. Box 2603 Kent Town S.A. 5071

South Australian Transsexual Support

A support group for people who have changed, or are in the process of permanently changing, their gender and are seeing a psychiatrist and other medical professional.

  • P.O. Box 907, Kent Town S.A. 5071