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Trans* & Intersex Services - Victoria

Chameleon Society of Victoria

The Chameleon Society of Victoria is not exclusive to the transgender community but welcomes all those who have a genuine interest including partners, friends and family, as are medical, legal, psychological and counselling practitioners. While the group does not meet on a regular basis it is there to provide support and information to those requiring assistance.

  • (03) 9517 9416 (message bank)
  • P.O. Box 79 Altona Vic. 3018

Seahorse Club of Victoria

A fully constituted self-help group financed by members subscriptions. Full or postal membership is open to transpersons who understand and respect the purpose of the club. Partners are also considered to be members. We have private monthly social meetings with speakers from relevant professions. Besides a monthly magazine and a library, we offer a contact mail service.

Transgender Victoria

Transgender Victoria was founded in the late 1990s to achieve justice, equity and quality health and community service provision for transgender people, their partners, families and friends. Transgender Victoria educates organisations and workplaces on how to provide better services for trans* people, and seeks ways to provide direct services to the trans* community, whether in partnership with others or independently. They also work with and for the transgender community to create positive change in human rights and policy development. They represent the transgender community in challenging discrimination and assist in the empowerment of trans* people so that they may lead full and meaningful lives. Transgender Victoria recognises the right to equality of each and every member of the transgender community in all areas of life including housing, education, work, health services and legal representation.
