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Trans* - Australia

Gay & Lesbian Counselling Service of N.S.W.

The Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of N.S.W. is a volunteer-based organisation providing short-term counselling, information and support services to facilitate healthy, well-adjusted lives within the lesbian, gay and related communities. They provide accessible, confidential counselling services across N.S.W. with options for client referrals to other services; facilitate support groups that assist individuals in specific areas of concern; provide individuals with information to access a wide variety of community groups; training and development programmes for counsellors, members and staff, and present information to the wider community and facilitate forums that lead to an increased understanding and acceptance of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

GenderQueer Australia

Perth Inner City Youth Service

Perth Inner City Youth Service provides a non-judgmental, holistic, strength based approach with psychosocial support for young people in accommodation and transitioning or moving toward independent living. Support Services available at Perth Inner City Youth Service includes help with income and budgeting; living skills; employment; education; advocacy and family mediation; counselling and practical support; support around drug use, mental health, relationships, diverse sexuality and/or gender and parenting.

Seahorse Club of Victoria

A fully constituted self-help group financed by members subscriptions. Full or postal membership is open to transpersons who understand and respect the purpose of the club. Partners are also considered to be members. We have private monthly social meetings with speakers from relevant professions. Besides a monthly magazine and a library, we offer a contact mail service.

Seahorse Society of N.S.W.

The Seahorse Society of New South Wales is a non-profit social and support organisation for cross-dressers and transgender people in New South Wales, Australia. The aims of the Society are to bring cross-dressers together socially to meet like-minded people in a safe and comfortable environment. The Society holds meetings once a month at hired premises in Sydney, and also organizes restaurant nights, harbour cruises and the yearly Seahorse Ball. Other benefits include a monthly magazine and access to a library of books and videos. They also offer support to partners, family and friends and strive to promote a better understanding of cross-dressing in society generally, by providing information upon request.

South Australian Transsexual Support

A support group for people who have changed, or are in the process of permanently changing, their gender and are seeing a psychiatrist and other medical professional.

  • P.O. Box 907, Kent Town S.A. 5071

Town & Country Centre (Griffith)

MIA Gay & Lesbian Support Group offers support for all who identify as L.G.B.T. The centre provides a weekly drop-in, 24 hour telephone counselling and referral service, and has information on all health issues, coming-out, transgender, cross-dressing, bisexuality, men who have sex with men. They also provide support for parents, family and friends, youth, ethnic and Koori weekly social functions and a monthly newsletter.

  • (02) 6964 5524
  • 80 Benerembah Street, Griffith N.S.W. 2680
  • P.O. Box 2485 Griffith N.S.W. 2680 5071

Transbridge (Queensland)

Transbridge is a support group for transgenders in the Townsville area. They have connections with sexual health, mental health, H.I.V./AIDS counselling and others by association, and can be contacted for twenty-four hour support.

Transgender Anti-Violence Project

The Transgender Anti-Violence Project provides a range of free, confidential services including education, support, referrals and advocacy in relation to violence and oppression based on one's gender identity. The Project addresses all forms of violence that impact on the transgender, gender-diverse and gender-questioning community, including (but not limited to) domestic violence, sexual violence, anti-transgender harassment, hate crimes, verbal abuse, physical attacks, bullying, discrimination, stalking and family violence. They need to know about your experiences to be able to help you personally and to document the event in order to stop it from happening to others. When you make a report to the T.A.V.P. you will be assigned a support worker to assess the nature and level of support you may require. The Project will then provide ongoing assistance and referral services, including support when reporting to police, counselling, legal support, court support and medical support and follow-up support.

Transgender Resource and Advocacy Network (Wollongong)

Transgender Resource and Advocacy Network is a service for people who identify as a gender other than their birth gender and providing a safe and confidential place to visit, phone or talk about gender issues between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Thursday and Friday each week.

  • (02) 4226 1163

Transgender Victoria

Transgender Victoria was founded in the late 1990s to achieve justice, equity and quality health and community service provision for transgender people, their partners, families and friends. Transgender Victoria educates organisations and workplaces on how to provide better services for trans* people, and seeks ways to provide direct services to the trans* community, whether in partnership with others or independently. They also work with and for the transgender community to create positive change in human rights and policy development. They represent the transgender community in challenging discrimination and assist in the empowerment of trans* people so that they may lead full and meaningful lives. Transgender Victoria recognises the right to equality of each and every member of the transgender community in all areas of life including housing, education, work, health services and legal representation.

True Colours Program (Western Australia)

True Colours is an initiative of the Uniting Church in Western Australia and provides a safe and inclusive environment for young people with diverse sexuality and/or gender identities and their families. The program includes social peer support groups for young people between the age of 15 and 25; information, support and advocacy for young people (as well as their families and friends), who are exploring their sexuality and/or gender identity; referrals and links to allied youth and community support services; opportunities for young people to be involved in peer education, community development and other initiatives. The program also provides information and support to allied agencies and workplaces including schools under their 'Safer Schools Project'. True Colours is based in Bunbury and provides these services to the south west region of Western Australia.


Twenty 10 is a community based, non profit state-wide organisation that works with and support young people of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities, their families and friends. They aim to be a beacon of strength and acceptance - supporting young people to build resilience and achieve their potential. Twenty10 is a free and confidential service, offering a safe place for clients and staff deal with all enquiries in an understanding, supportive and confidential manner. Twenty10 provides support to young transgender, lesbian, gay and bisexual people who are having trouble at home or are homeless, they provide accommodation, support, counselling, case management and social support as well as information and referrals for young L.G.B.T. people and their families, and runs community education programs throughout N.S.W.
