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Trans* - International

Agender New Zealand

Agender New Zealand Incorporated is a non-profit organization that has been supporting transgender people and their families throughout New Zealand since 1996. Agender New Zealand is a support and lobby organization that endeavours to provide one to one support where possible. They have organized many transgendered conferences, publish a quarterly newsletter and are continually working on issues affecting the trans community as a whole such as human rights, health services and identity document issues.

Australia and New Zealand Professional Association for Transgender Health

Changeling Aspects

Changeling Aspects is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, which is solely self-funded. Their aim is to help transgender people, their family and friends, with information and advice.

F.T.M. International

Gender DynamiX (South Africa)

Gender Identity Research and Education Society

Gender Matters (United Kingdom)

Genderbridge (New Zealand)

GenderBridge is an incorporated society established in Auckland, New Zealand to provide support, education, and advocacy for transgendered people, their friends, families, and communities. They supply information on transgender issues to individuals and organisations. Through regular meetings, social functions, as well as online, telephone, and in-person support, they provide a network of support and information within Auckland and throughout New Zealand. They also provide written information to anyone interested in transgender issues and are available to give lectures to interested individuals or groups. Anyone is welcome to our gatherings, including friends and family members.

  • (64) (09) 0800 844 357
  • P.O. Box 68236, Newton, New Zealand 1145

Genderfork: Beauty in Ambiguity

Hudson's F.T.M. Resource Guide

International Foundation of Gender Education (I.F.G.E.)

International Transgender Day of Remembrance
