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Other Services - Sexual Health

ACON Health Limited

ACON is New South Wales' leading health promotion organisation specialising in HIV and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (L.G.B.T.I.) health. ACON promotes the health and wellbeing of the L.G.B.T. community and people with HIV by providing information and support for people at risk of or affected by HIV, including sex workers, people who use drugs and the family and/or carers of people with HIV, and running prevention programs for the groups most at risk of HIV transmission - gay men, sex workers and people who inject drugs. For people with HIV, their families and carers, ACON provides a broad range of health promotion and support services. In the area of policy and advocacy, ACON provides advice on issues related to HIV and human rights. Their work also covers other health issues for our communities such as: sexual health; mental health; alcohol and other drug use; ageing; homophobic violence; domestic violence; counselling; community care; housing; and workplace equality.

AIDS Action Council of A.C.T.

The AIDS Action Council of the A.C.T. provides services to the A.C.T. community, aimed at eliminating further transmission of HIV and minimising the personal and social impacts of HIVand AIDS Primarily they provide support, resources, tools and skills to clients so they can be equipped to meet the challenges and events that life delivers, which would otherwise risk negative health outcomes. The Council's services include; counselling, sex worker support,HIV testing, peer education, legal and migration service, and within the 'Living Well' program: smoking cessation, HIV Dietitian's clinic, legal clinics, fact sheets on important issues, vitamins/supplements, HIV Dental Clinic, housing program, women's services.

Albion Centre

The Albion Centre is Australia's only major multi-disciplinary centre with a primary focus on HIVmanagement. Albion staff have significant experience in HIV, sexual health, hepatitis and education and training both in Australia and overseas. Albion's core approach is two-fold: to integrate prevention and care for patients; and to train people in the field of epidemic infectious disease management. Albion provides: medical treatment and care; HIV and sexual health testing; counselling; pharmacy; nutrition; research; education; phone based information; and international development services


The Ankali Project trains and supports volunteers who then provide emotional and social support to people living with HIV Many people living with HIV in Sydney are dealing with issues related to having HIV and also issues that arise as a result of social isolation, mental health challenges and the use of alcohol or other drugs. Volunteers are matched on a one to one basis with a client initially for a period of 6 months. Volunteers provide up to 5 hours of support each week or fortnight depending on the needs of the client and the availability of the volunteer.

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (A.F.A.O.)

The Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (A.F.A.O.) is the national federation for theHIV community response. We provide leadership, coordination and support to Australia's policy, advocacy and health promotion response to HIV. Internationally we contribute to the development of effective policy and programmatic responses to HIV/AIDS at the global level, particularly in the Asia Pacific.

Bobby Goldsmith Foundation

Bobby Goldsmith Foundation provides direct financial and practical assistance, financial counselling, housing and employment support to the most vulnerable people living disadvantaged by HIV in New South Wales. Because there is such stigma connected to HIV, that friend who urgently needs your help is unlikely to tell you. Your donation helps people withHIV to stay in their homes and out of hospital, pay for vital medications, return to work and live well.

Gay & Lesbian Counselling Service of N.S.W.

The Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of N.S.W. is a volunteer-based organisation providing short-term counselling, information and support services to facilitate healthy, well-adjusted lives within the lesbian, gay and related communities. They provide accessible, confidential counselling services across N.S.W. with options for client referrals to other services; facilitate support groups that assist individuals in specific areas of concern; provide individuals with information to access a wide variety of community groups; training and development programmes for counsellors, members and staff, and present information to the wider community and facilitate forums that lead to an increased understanding and acceptance of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

Kirketon Road Centre

K.R.C. operates a comprehensive medical, counselling and social welfare service including methadone access and needle syringe programs from K.R.C. above the Darlinghurst Fire Station. K.R.C. also has a satellite facility Clinic 180, which is located at 180 Victoria Street in Kings Cross. Clinic 180 provides a needle syringe program, nurse-led clinical services and counselling, health and social welfare advice, and assessment and referral to drug treatment and other relevant services. K.R.C. also operates a mobile outreach service, which provides health education, needle syringe program and assessment and referral to drug treatment.K.R.C. services include: assessment and management of general health issues; sexual health screening; treatment of sexually transmissible infections and sex worker 'check ups'; HIVantibody testing / pre- and post-test discussion; primary care of HIV infection and AIDS-related conditions, with access to anti-retroviral therapies; hepatitis A and B screening and vaccination; hepatitis C screening and monitoring of liver function; specialist medical hepatitis C clinic; women’s health checks including Pap smears and breast examination; family planning advice, contraception, pregnancy testing, counselling and referral; medical and psychosocial assessment of transgender issues and specialist referral; drug and alcohol counselling, referral to drug detoxification, treatment and rehabilitation programs; methadone access program and referral; crisis and ongoing counselling for emotional issues; social welfare information, eg. housing, income, education and legal information; needle syringe program; outreach program; and group room with targeted health promotion activities.

N.S.W. Users & AIDS Association (N.U.A.A.)

The N.S.W. Users and AIDS Association (N.U.A.A.) is a not-for-profit N.S.W.-based organisation advocating for people who use drugs, particularly those who inject drugs. Funded primarily by the N.S.W. Health Department, N.U.A.A. provides education, practical support, information and advocacy to users of illicit drugs, their friends, and allies. N.U.A.A. has often led the way in developing innovative approaches to peer education and community development, and has contributed to Australia having one of the lowest H.I.V. rates amongst injecting drug users in the world.

Positive Life N.S.W.

Positive Life N.S.W. works to promote a positive image of people living with and affected byHIV with the aim of eliminating prejudice, isolation, stigma and discrimination. They provide information and targeted referrals, and advocate to change systems and practices that discriminate against people with HIV, our friends, family and carers in N.S.W.

Sexual Health Services in New South Wales

Publicly funded sexual health services are available across New South Wales and provide a range of medical, counselling and health promotion services to those most at risk of HIV/AIDSand sexually transmissible infections and also includes information and support on pregnancy, safe-sex, making healthy choices, condoms, Post Exposure Prophylaxis, emergency contraception, sexual assault, sexual health check-ups and safe injecting

Sexual Health Services in Queensland

Services available: Sexual Health testing and treatment; HIV Rapid Testing, Condoms, lube and dams provided, Sexual and reproductive health including Pap Smears; Hepatitis B vaccinations for at risk clients; Emergency contraception; Pregnancy testing and referral; Community Education and Health promotion; Professional In-Services; Hep C testing, counselling and referral; HIV management and share care option; Needle and syringe program available; Screening for sex industry workers; Post Exposure Prophylaxis; Transgender care; Sexuality issues.

Sexual Health Services in Tasmania

Sexual Health Service Tasmania is a state-wide service with offices in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Devonport. The service is staffed by doctors, nurses, counsellors, educators and administrative officers. Clinical services - assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of sexually transmissible infections, sexual function and conditions impacting upon sexuality. Counselling - counsellors are trained to discuss issues relating to sexual health and wellbeing. Education - sexual health staff participate in community awareness campaigns and run education programmes. Their services relate to: sexual health checks; S.T.I.s diagnosis and treatment; HIV care; viral hepatitis diagnosis; management of vulval discomfort and pain; genital dermatology; sexual response and desire; sexual activities and safety; sex worker issues; sexual orientation; and gender identity.

Sexual Health Services in the Australian Capital Territory

Canberra Sexual Health Centre is a free service and Canberra's leading clinic for the testing and treatment of sexually transmissible infections. As a specialist clinic, Canberra Sexual Health Clinic provides confidential and high quality professional and non-judgemental care, giving you access to the latest information, advice and treatments. Services include the 'M Clinic', a free walk-in clinic offering S.T.I. checks for men who have sex with men at a more convenient time, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis medications.

Sexual Health Services in the Northern Territory

Clinic 34 is a specialist sexual health service that provides testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. All Services are free and confidential and do not require a Medicare Card. Services at the Clinic include testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections including HIV and hepatitis C, HIV post exposure prophylaxis (emergencyHIV prevention medication), condoms and the emergency contraceptive pill (morning after pill), referral service for General Practitioners and other primary health carers, needle and syringe program. Clinics in Darwin, Palmerston, Alice Springs, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Nhulunbuy.
