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Other Services - Miscellaneous


Bi-N.S.W. is the umbrella body for all the various groups within the bisexual community of New South Wales. It is an organization which provides an opportunity for bisexual and bisexual friendly people to meet together in non-discriminatory, welcoming, comfortable, safe, and friendly spaces, make new friends and share worthwhile information. The founding group of our community is the Sydney Bisexual Network who get together for monthly social drinks but also meet for serious discussions. The Network is not a counselling service (though we'll always have sympathetic ears) and is also not a 'pick-up club' or swingers group, however people do make new friends and even lovers, we simply aim for a harassment-free social space where we can relate to each other, educate each other, and have fun.

Breastscreen N.S.W.

BreastScreen N.S.W. is part of a national program, BreastScreen Australia, which is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and state and territory governments The service aims to detect breast cancer early before it has a chance to spread. Early detection of cancer increases the treatment options available and improves the chance of survival from the disease. The BreastScreen N.S.W. Coordination Unit is managed by the Cancer Institute N.S.W. The program is delivered by eight Screening and Assessment Services, which are located and managed within Local Health Districts.

Inner City Legal Centre

The Inner City Legal Centre is a non-profit community based legal centre that has been providing free legal services to residents and workers in the inner city and surrounding areas since 1980. Their services include: information and referral services; telephone advice to community and social workers during business hours; urgent telephone advice available; specialist state-wide transgender legal advice; special state-wide gay and lesbian legal advice; community legal education sessions/publications; law reform and campaign work; home/hospital visits where necessary; free legal advice by appointment on weekday evenings by volunteer solicitors; free legal advice for sex workers; Safe Relationships Project; domestic violence court assistance.

Metropolitan Community Church

Metropolitan Community Church Sydney is linked with other Metropolitan Community Church's in Australia as part of an international fellowship of Christian churches with a special concern for anyone who feels excluded by established religious groups. Metropolitan Community Church deplores all forms of discrimination and oppression and seeks to share their message of unconditional love and acceptance of all people, regardless of sexual orientation, race or gender.

Need Assistance

Need Assistance?

The Gender Centre 02 9569-2366 or Click here to Contact Us via our website

Out of hour’s counselling contact Life Line 13 11 14

Out of hours counselling Q Life 1800-184-527

If you are Homeless and need emergency assistance contact Link 2 Home 188-152-152

If you are experiencing a medical emergency call 000

Resource and Education Program for Injecting Drug Users (REPIDU)

REPIDU provides an effective harm reduction program for drug users which minimises the transmission of diseases into the broader community. Harm Reduction Services include: referral; information and health education; supply of injecting equipment; safe needle disposal services; overdose prevention education; crisis intervention for accidental overdose and other drug-related health problems; Hepatitis C clinic; Hepatitis B vaccinations; health interventions and health promotion activities.

  • (02) 9395 0400
  • Redfern Community Health Centre (enter via Turner Street), 103-105 Redfern St, Redfern N.S.W. 2016

Women in Prison Advocacy Network

Women in Prison Advocacy Network is a grassroots community charity governed by women, including reformed ex-prisoners, dedicated to advancing the prospects and wellbeing of women and female youth affected by the criminal justice system and help women ex-prisoners settle back into life on the outside. Their mentoring program is a great way to get the support needed - meet face-to-face weekly, get assistance to locate necessary services, talk confidentially about life's challenges, enjoy activities together, strengthen confidence and self-esteem, create mutual trust and respect, have a positive role model and develop life skills.

Women's and Girl's Emergency Centre

Women's and Girl's Emergency Centre is a support service for women with or without children who are at risk of, or experiencing homelessness in the inner-city of Sydney. They provide access to basic necessities such as food, material and social assistance, a safe space, and a place to create community. They also provide case management services to assist women to access housing, medical, drug and alcohol, mental health, legal and other services; an outreach service to help clients attend appointments and court support; and a day drop-in-centre which provides an array of services within itself. Other services include a domestic violence support group; communication skills group; a legal clinic and counselling.
