Meet the Staff of the Gender Centre - Emily

In the lead up to this years TDoR its important that community members take care to look after themselves. With a big focus on remembrance it can be easy to forget how triggering things can be for community members. Here are my top tips for practicing self-care during difficult times.
Remember, you may experience a range of emotions, and that’s okay. Make a conscious effort to engage in and with transgender day of remembrance only if it’s safe. You may need to step back at times or even for the entire time to look after yourself. That’s okay. A great definition of self-care is ‘the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness’. Self-care can look different for each person and its important that you have an idea of how this applies to your own well-being.
Here are some more other ways you can look after yourself around TDoR:
Check in with yourself regularly— How are you feeling? Spend some time to identify your needs and always remember to be kind to yourself.
Accept support from friends—Your support network is valuable and if you have a TGD support network, others in that circle might be going through the same thing as you. Sharing is often caring!
Do something lovely for yourself—This could be as small or as extravagant as you like, but examples include: taking a walk in nature, having a bubble bath, watching your favourite movie or getting a manicure. Remember that things like regular meditation are a great way to clear stress.
Practicing Gratitude—Practising gratitude is the act of identifying those things that bring you joy and you are thankful for. Examples of how to practicing gratitude: enjoy the simple moments in life, this could be the warmth of the sun on your skin, or keeping a gratitude journal. Practicing gratitude has been proven to increase mental strength and resiliency. Research has shown it may also contribute to a person’s ability to overcome trauma.
Research by UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction.” (Derrick Carpenter, Happify DAILY).
Seek support from a professional— If you find yourself struggling with things it can be helpful to check in with a professional: And if anything is making you feel unsafe or triggering here are some numbers to call:
The Gender Centre: 02 9519 7599
Qlife: PH: 1800 184 527 (online chat and phone calls, support is available between 3pm- midnight.)
Lifeline: 13 11 14