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Provided by The Gender Centre

The Gender Centre Inc. is a Specialist Transgender Homelessness Service (SHS) which provides a safe and supported environment in the form of supported refuge and transitional housing to transgender and gender diverse clients who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless.The Gender Centre provides accommodation services to two broad client groups through its Sydney District Package i.e. a client who self-identifies as transgender or who are exploring issues regarding their gender identity and are 18 years and over to be accommodated within our housing program.                                                     

Clients undertake weekly and monthly  case management with their case worker to facilitate progress towards building their capacity to for independent living.The Gender Centre’s residential program provides supported shared crisis temporary accommodation for up to three months. Please note clients accepting temporary crisis accommodation may be sharing accommodation with people of varied cultural backgrounds and with a diverse range of experiences.

There is no waiting list kept for admission to the crisis program, admission is subject to bed availability and of the outcome of an individual risk assessment.

Listen to information on our Homelessness Services:

Our Properties

The Gender Centre has a range of accommodation options; all are located within the inner west of Sydney from shared refuge housing to single transitional dwellings. We have three  crisis properties all within a three km walking distance from the Gender Centre and 21 single one -bedroom transitional dwellings through our partnership  arrangements that are managed by Metro Housing, St George Housing and Ecclesia Housing.

Eligibility Criterion

The principal eligibility criterion for assistance from the Gender Centre’s housing program is current or imminent  housing crisis, regardless of an individual location  within the  borders of NSW, and the applicant is  transgender gender questioning or gender diverse. The Centre’s resources are then matched to those awaiting assistance, taking into account the  extent of a client’s housing and support needs, and personal vulnerability.

Housing Assessments

An applicant undergoes a formal residential  risk assessment with the Gender Centre residential program. Applicants will be assessed on the following basis: that the applicant satisfies the eligibility criteria; and the client is in need of stable, semi-supported housing, and is  capable of progressing in a semi-supported situation towards independent living either in the private rental market or Department of Housing or Community Housing schemes.

Crisis Residential Program

Clients are accepted into our crisis program who  meet the eligibility criterion for assistance from the Gender Centre's crisis housing program who are in current or imminent housing crisis, regardless of an individuals location within the boarders of NSW or their income .Clients in our crisis program undertake weekly case management with their case worker to  facilitate progress towards building their capacity to for independent living.
The Gender Centre’s residential crisis program provides supported shared  temporary accommodation for up to three months.Clients accepting temporary crisis accommodation may be sharing accommodation with people of varied cultural backgrounds and with a diverse range of experiences.There is no waiting list kept for admission to the crisis program, admission is subject to availability and of the outcome of an individual risk assessment. The centre's resources are matched to thoses awaiting assistance, taking into account the extent of the clients housing and support needs and personal vulnerability.
All shared crisis refuge accommodation houses are supported by Gender Centre staff, who are on call 24/7 and on duty at the Annandale Resource Centre between 9.00am and 4.30pm, Monday to  Friday.

Exclusion from the crisis residential program

The Gender Centre housing program is unable to admit clients who have unmanaged alcohol, drug or mental health issues that require full-time supervision.
Should a person not be eligible for the accommodation program, or should their risk assessment indicate they have support needs beyond the capacity of the service, they will be informed immediately. The applicant will be offered support and assistance to find suitable alternate programs appropriate to their current needs.

Transitional Accommodation

Individual tenancies are available subject to tenants compliance with their housing lease, agreements with our housing partners  and the conditions of case management with your support worker at the Gender Centre. When clients are accommodated in our  transitional housing properties they are requiered to pay rent and bond directly to the housing provider not the Gender Centre, under the NSW Community Housing Rent Policy at the rate of 25% of all income and 100% of Commonwealth Rent Assistance. Tenants are requiered to pay for their own utility accounts of electricity, gas and telephone.  

Requirements for Continued residence

Clients in both our crisis and transitional residential programs are required to have weekly or fortnightly contact with their case worker or case manager. Case management is an integral part of The Gender Centre’s residential program.
Clients must negotiate planned progress       strategies with their case managers.


pdfclick here to download the Housing Program Brochure

For further information regarding the Gender Centre's residential service, or the associated case management service, please contact the Gender Centre between 9:00am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday, click here to contact us.
