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Tuesday, 03 March 2020

FTM Connect March

FTM Connect March

FTM Connect is a support group for anyone who identifies as a transgender male.The GC aims to provide a warm, friendly and supportive space where topics relevant to gender identity can be discussed freely and questions asked, including but not limited to:

Achieving clarity concerning your own gender identity

The decision to commence hormone replacement therapy

Surgery options

Social aspects relating to transition, such as coming out and receiving support from others

And the unique challenges that a trans man faces in life

Guest speakers are invited to attend on occasion, every month the conversation topics vary and we welcome questions or topics that you would like to see raised.

Where: The Gender Centre: 41-43 Parramatta Road, Annandale

When: First Friday of the month -

Time................................6.00 to 7.30pm

How Much:..................... FREE

Do I Need To Book:......... No

Contact: 612 9569 2366
