Thursday, 01 August 2019
50 years after Stonewall, we can’t ignore transgender health, says bioethicist

Tuesday, 16 July 2019
High LGBTI suicide rate 'unacceptable': mental health commissioner
High LGBTI suicide rate 'unacceptable': mental health commissioner

Thursday, 31 January 2019

STAY SAFE DURING Mardi Gras with some useful tips
  • It's that time of year again, when Sydney is alive with celebration of all things LGBTQIA+. But while this is our time to shine, it's also when TGD folk can experience unwanted attention and even violence.

    So here's a few tips for staying safe while having a fab time.

    for extra information check out the FairPlay website. 

    Robert Knapman 
    Case Worker
