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Kirketon Road Centre

K.R.C. operates a comprehensive medical, counselling and social welfare service including methadone access and needle syringe programs from K.R.C. above the Darlinghurst Fire Station. K.R.C. also has a satellite facility Clinic 180, which is located at 180 Victoria Street in Kings Cross. Clinic 180 provides a needle syringe program, nurse-led clinical services and counselling, health and social welfare advice, and assessment and referral to drug treatment and other relevant services. K.R.C. also operates a mobile outreach service, which provides health education, needle syringe program and assessment and referral to drug treatment.K.R.C. services include: assessment and management of general health issues; sexual health screening; treatment of sexually transmissible infections and sex worker 'check ups'; HIVantibody testing / pre- and post-test discussion; primary care of HIV infection and AIDS-related conditions, with access to anti-retroviral therapies; hepatitis A and B screening and vaccination; hepatitis C screening and monitoring of liver function; specialist medical hepatitis C clinic; women’s health checks including Pap smears and breast examination; family planning advice, contraception, pregnancy testing, counselling and referral; medical and psychosocial assessment of transgender issues and specialist referral; drug and alcohol counselling, referral to drug detoxification, treatment and rehabilitation programs; methadone access program and referral; crisis and ongoing counselling for emotional issues; social welfare information, eg. housing, income, education and legal information; needle syringe program; outreach program; and group room with targeted health promotion activities.
