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Monday, 19 August 2019

‘The Australian’ launches new attack on transgender children

‘The Australian’ launches new attack on transgender children

The Australian newspaper has featured a story suggesting that transgender children are a result of “social contagion” and argues that doctors treating transgender patients are doing so without any scientific proof or backing of long term studies.

The report comes as the news paper launches a new ‘Gender‘ page on its website dedicated to collating all their articles focussing on transgender issues. Critics have highlighted that the newspapers coverage of transgender people and related issues is almost always negative.

While Saturday’s Weekend Australian focussed on a submission to health minister Greg Hunt that claimed that gender dysphoria is a “psycho-socio-cultural dis-ease”, a follow up story on Monday citing the same submission and shared the views of a new US based group called Rethink Identify Medicine Ethics who believe there will be a wave of people regretting their gender transition.

