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Gender Studies

General, Masculine/Feminine

Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
cover Title: Gender Authors: James C. Neely Rating: 0 Hits: 17672 Status: Available
cover Title: Gender Images: A Critical Look Authors: Melita C. Schaum Rating: 0 Hits: 17971 Status: Available
cover Title: Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us Authors: Kate Bornstein Rating: 0 Hits: 20462 Status: Available
cover Title: Greater Expectations: A Source Book for Working with Girls and Young Women Authors: Sue Dyson, Tricia Szirom Rating: 0 Hits: 17625 Status: Available
cover Title: Gynesis: Configurations of Woman and Modernity by Alice A. Jardine (1986-09-01) Authors: Alice A. Jardine Rating: 0 Hits: 18034 Status: Available
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