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State Wide Support in NSW

The Gender Centre is a state wide support service and as such we provide support to all  Rural and Regional areas within NSW.

We support rural and regional transgender and gender diverse individuals in a number of ways. We conduct outreach clinics, where there is a mix of casework and counselling provided. Our outreach clinics are available in a number of areas, including Orange, Dubbo, Greater Western Sydney Blue Mountains, Hawksberry, Illawara area ,Central Coast and  the Hunter region .We also have educational training for schools and workplaces in regional areas that have transgender employees and students.

Through this training, we are able to equip schools and workplaces with the knowledge required to successfully and respectfully integrate transgender people.  We are able to provide phone and Skype counselling, as well as refer clients to local GPs, psychiatrists and psychologists that would be able to meet their needs and provide sustainable and local support for them. Whilst our headquarters is based in Sydney, our website provides a significant amount of information for people at all stages of their journey, and our case workers are always happy to have phone consultations and provide support in whatever way possible to clients.

Listen to information on Regional NSW Support:

Get in touch

Phone support and networking with other service providers is also available to you to assist you with your needs.

Please contact the centre on 02-9569-2366 to discuss how we can be of assistance
