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NSW Health Dept

Title:      NSW Health Dept
Categories:      Health, Medical & Self-Help
ResourceID:      803965
Authors:      Narcotics Anonymous , NSW Health Dept
ISBN-10(13):      803965
Publisher:      NSW Health Dept
Publication date:      1999
Number of pages:      0
Language:      Not specified
Price:      0.00
Rating:      0 
Picture:      no-img_eng.png

The NSW Detoxification Clinical Practice Guidelines represent current clinical opinion on how the problems associated with physical withdrawal from any drug of dependence ought to be managed to achieve the best outcomes. The key issue addressed by the guidelines is safety and reduction of harm in drug withdrawal. Detoxification is only part of a longer process of complete physical and psychological withdrawal from dependence on a drug, but proper management of the first stage will maximise the chances of lasting rehabilitation for each individual. The guidelines have been developed through extensive input from experts in the clinical management of detoxification in New South Wales and elsewhere. They are based on research evidence, day-to-day clinical experience and feedback from consultation with consumers and community groups. The guidelines are intended for a broad spectrum of health care providers including general practitioners, hospital medical officers, nursing staff at drug and alcohol units and community and hospital based nursing staff in the general health system. They are not intended to be mandatory requirements for practitioners, but it is expected that those who are not expert in this field will have close regard to the management practices detailed here. It also expected that these guidelines will assist managers and others concerned with planning the levels of care to support detoxification needs in the broader community. All clinical practice guidelines must be continually reviewed and updated to incorporate new evidence and changing practices and views. The Drug Treatment Policy Unit has iii sponsored the development of this document, and would appreciate feedback about its usefulness and any other comments that may assist in the preparation of future editions. Many people have been involved in the publication of the first version of the detoxification guidelines. The process of consultation and development could not have succeeded without voluntary input from a wide range of health and community-based professionals. I thank them for their efforts and look forward to future comment and continued development. Ian W Webster AO Chair, Steering Committee Review of New South Wales Detoxification Services

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