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Gender Studies

General, Masculine/Feminine

Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
cover Title: Myths of Gender: Biological Theories About Men and Women 2nd edition by Fausto-Sterling, Anne (1987) Hardcover Authors: Anne Fausto-Sterling Rating: 0 Hits: 20479 Status: Available
cover Title: Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory (Crossing Press Feminist (Paperback)) Authors: Marilyn Frye Rating: 0 Hits: 18058 Status: Available
cover Title: PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality Authors: Carol Queen, Lawrence Schimel Rating: 0 Hits: 17696 Status: Available
cover Title: Powers of Desire (New Feminist Library) Authors: Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, Sharon Thompson Rating: 0 Hits: 17863 Status: Available
cover Title: Psychology of Women: A Study of Bio-Cultural Conflicts Authors: Judith M. Bardwick Rating: 0 Hits: 17763 Status: Available
cover Title: Reinventing the Sexes: The Biomedical Construction of Femininity and Masculinity (Race, Gender, & Scie) Authors: Marianne Van Den Wijngaard Rating: 0 Hits: 20942 Status: Available
cover Title: Running Scared: Masculinity and the Representation of the Male Body (Culture And The Moving Image) by Lehman, Peter (1994) Paperback Authors: Peter Lehman Rating: 0 Hits: 20610 Status: Available
cover Title: Science and Gender: A Critique of Biology and Its Theories on Women Authors: Ruth Bleier Rating: 0 Hits: 17894 Status: Available
cover Title: SECRET MEN'S BUSINESS :Manhood : The Big Gig Authors: John Marsden Rating: 0 Hits: 17849 Status: Available
cover Title: Sex differences: Cultural and developmental dimensions Authors: Edited By Patrick C. Lee and Robert Sussman Stewart Rating: 0 Hits: 17605 Status: Available
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