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Who Funds Us?

The Gender Centre Inc. is both an N.G.O. or a Non-Government Organisation funded in part by the N.S.W. Department of Communities & Justice under the Specialist Homeless Service  program (S H S ), and Sydney Local Area Health District, and is  an incorporated association under the "Associations Incorporation Act 1984". We also periodically apply for government grants for different projects, receive the occasional donation and also hold occasional fundraisers.

Sydney Local Area Health District

The Gender Centre is generously funded, in part, by, Sydney Local Area Health District, a funding agreement that dates back many years. This funding has been provided under N.S.W. Health's "AIDS. and Infectious Diseases Scheme" and the Gender Centre Inc. is very grateful to the N.S.W. Health, Sydney Local Health District for this funding.

Over the years this funding has meant that we, as a service devoted to the well-being of transgender people, a most marginalised group within the community, have been able to promote the education and training of other service providers in the needs of transgender and gender questioning people, have also been able to operate an ever important outreach service that tends to thousands of transgender clients per year, we have been able to provide educational material including our bi-monthly magazine, "Polare", and have been able to generally operate other important programs which enhance the ability of transgender people to make informed choices.

The Gender Centre Inc. remains truly grateful for the funding that has been provided by the N.S.W. Health, Sydney Local Health District in the past and looks forward to maintaining a long and cohesive relationship in the future.

Department of Communities & Justice

The Gender Centre is also generously funded, in part, by the N.S.W. Department of Community  and Justice under the Specialist Homelessness Service program (S.H S .), a funding agreement that also extends back many years. In accordance with this funding agreement, the Gender Centre Inc. has devoted this income to the funding of our residential service and associated services such as the residential case management program.

Over the years this funding agreement has meant that we, as a service devoted to the well-being of transgender people, a group that experiences a high rate of homelessness, have been able to house many hundreds of transgender people in refuge accommodation, and provide them with appropriate resources to assist with their movement through the transgender process.

The Gender Centre Inc. remains truly grateful for the funding that has been provided by the N.S.W. Health Department of Human Services, Community Services in the past and looks forward to maintaining a long and cohesive relationship in the future.

Government & Private Sector Grants

From time to time during the course of our operations, the need often arises to apply for small to medium government and private sector grants to fund individual projects that may not have been budgeted for previously. Some examples of the grants that the Gender Centre Inc. has been successful in applying for in more recent times include grants from The Aurora Group, Sydney City Council and Marrickville Council "Street Smart" and N.S.W. Clubs for projects such as the compilation of our kits and fact sheets, and the purchase of furniture and appliances for our refuge houses.

Donations & Fundraisers

The Gender Centre is registered with the N.S.W. Department of Registered Charities as a registered charity, and is therefore able to receive donations and conduct occasional fundraisers. The Gender Centre Inc. would like to thank all parties that have made generous donations to us in the past and ask that any interested donor contact the centre on (02) 9519 7599 or go to our Donation Page and make a Donation. 
