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The Gender Centre Library

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You will be able to borrow one book at a time, for up to two weeks at a time. This is due to the limited number of books available and the high demand from the community. Please take good care of our books, many of our resources have been removed or taken from our service and not returned. This is very unfortunate as they are part of quite a unique resource in New South Wales

Our books are purchased in limited quantities and appear on our Book List when available. If there is a book you feel the Gender Centre should have in our Library, please let us know.

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The Menopause and Postmenopause: The Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Rome, June 1979

Title:      The Menopause and Postmenopause: The Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Rome, June 1979
Categories:      Health, Medical & Self-Help
ResourceID:      0852003439
ISBN-10(13):      0852003439
Publisher:      Springer
Publication date:      1980-06-30
Edition:      1
Number of pages:      322
Language:      Not specified
Price:      USD 99.00
Rating:      0 
Picture:      no-img_eng.png

Product Description

The treatment of menopausal and postmenopausal symptoms is a focus of considerable debate, on account of both the medical and social factors involved. And perhaps the cause of the greatest current interest and concern is not so much the effectiveness of present-day treatment but its safety. Opinions on the subject vary; and to resolve the arguments we must turn to the results of scientific experiment, both the clinical and biological. It is only by comparing experimental results that it is possible to move forward, albeit slowly, towards a generally agreed consensus based upon objective scientific data. It is for this reason that we are particularly grateful to Ayerst Laboratories whose support and help have enabled us to turn our original proposal for an International Symposium into a reality. We are also grateful to the publishers for the efficiency with which they have organized the publication of the Proceedings. It is our hope and that of all the distinguished participants that all readers of this volume will be able to find something in it which will stimulate further thought and discussion - even though they may not necessarily agree with all the conclusions expressed - for the success of a Symposium turns not only on the subject under examination but also on the quality of debate and discussion it encourages.

Product Description
The treatment of menopausal and postmenopausal symptoms is a focus of considerable debate, on account of both the medical and social factors involved. And perhaps the cause of the greatest current interest and concern is not so much the effectiveness of present-day treatment but its safety. Opinions on the subject vary; and to resolve the arguments we must turn to the results of scientific experiment, both the clinical and biological. It is only by comparing experimental results that it is possible to move forward, albeit slowly, towards a generally agreed consensus based upon objective scientific data. It is for this reason that we are particularly grateful to Ayerst Laboratories whose support and help have enabled us to turn our original proposal for an International Symposium into a reality. We are also grateful to the publishers for the efficiency with which they have organized the publication of the Proceedings. It is our hope and that of all the distinguished participants that all readers of this volume will be able to find something in it which will stimulate further thought and discussion - even though they may not necessarily agree with all the conclusions expressed - for the success of a Symposium turns not only on the subject under examination but also on the quality of debate and discussion it encourages.

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