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The Gender Centre Library
To borrow from our library you will first need to become a member of the library. To join our library you will need to provide identification (perhaps your driver's license or pension card), and a telephone contact. This information will be reviewed every time you borrow a book.
You will be able to borrow one book at a time, for up to two weeks at a time. This is due to the limited number of books available and the high demand from the community. Please take good care of our books, many of our resources have been removed or taken from our service and not returned. This is very unfortunate as they are part of quite a unique resource in New South Wales
Our books are purchased in limited quantities and appear on our Book List when available. If there is a book you feel the Gender Centre should have in our Library, please let us know.
You may request to submit a Lend Request to Borrow a Book from our Library from the Catalogue below.
We also have a link to buy the Books on Amazon if you would like to.
You may also consider donating a book to the Centre if you feel it may be a valuable resource to others in our community.
<td class="evenrows">28mins</td><td class="evenrows">16mm, Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">SERIOUS UNDERTAKINGS takes up these themes of culture, language and politics in a questioning and innovative way.</td>
<td class="oddrows">10mins</td><td class="oddrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">A tribute to African-American women activists, whose violent actions were often characterised as being the result of mental illness.</td>
<td class="oddrows"></td><td class="oddrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">An experimental documentary that speaks to issues surrounding what is Black enough.</td>
<td class="evenrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=42">Gift of a Girl</a></div></td><td class="evenrows">Jo Smith, Mayyasa Al-Malazi</td><td class="evenrows">UK/India</td><td class="evenrows">1997</td>
<td class="evenrows">24mins</td><td class="evenrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">Gift of a Girl concentrates on the movement to stop female infanticide rather than the tragedies of its victims.</td>
<td class="oddrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=419">Hell to Pay</a></div></td><td class="oddrows">Alexandra Anderson, Anne Cottringer</td><td class="oddrows">UK</td><td class="oddrows">1988</td>
<td class="oddrows">52mins</td><td class="oddrows">Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">'HELL TO PAY exposes the devastating effects of the foreign debt in Bolivia, through the impassioned testimony of women from the countryside, the mining communities, and the capital, La Paz'. (Margarita Laime)</td>
<td class="evenrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=453">Mad Bad Mortal Beings</a></div></td><td class="evenrows">Ludmilla Andrews</td><td class="evenrows">UK</td><td class="evenrows">1992</td>
<td class="evenrows">18mins</td><td class="evenrows">16mm, Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">This visually rich and haunting film follows the journey of a young woman, Cait, through her pain from a broken relationship to her eventual resolution.</td>
<td class="oddrows">1hr 21mins</td><td class="oddrows">16mm, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">Seen through the eyes of the film-maker, herself a child of concentration camp survivors, the film looks at how the children of survivors have been affected by their parents ordeal as well as how their German contemporaries deal with the confusion and guilt about their parents' crimes.</td>
<td class="evenrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=196">Sistren in Photography</a></div></td><td class="evenrows"> Aphra Video</td><td class="evenrows">UK</td><td class="evenrows">1991</td>
<td class="evenrows">26mins</td><td class="evenrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">This innovative and entertaining documentary explores the varied work, motivation, politics and lifestyles of five Black women photographers based in Birmingham..</td>
<td class="oddrows">15mins</td><td class="oddrows">16mm, Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">Monomyth is an experimental film that uses time, space, ritual and repetition to depict loss.</td>
<td class="evenrows">27mins</td><td class="evenrows">Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">STIGMATA is a riveting look at body modification such as tattooing, cutting, piercing and branding, practices which are becoming increasingly popular amongst women. </td>
<td class="oddrows"></td><td class="oddrows">Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">Set to smooth, jazzy, smoky bar-room music, two young women safely lock themselves in a make-believe bathroom. </td>
<td class="evenrows">1hr 36mins</td><td class="evenrows">16mm, Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">A faithful adaptation of Dorothy Bussy's autobiographic novel, OLIVIA is the story of an English girl sent to finishing school in France towards the end of the 19th century.</td>
<td class="oddrows">50mins</td><td class="oddrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">Under the NHS every woman has the right to have her baby at home. She is entitled to the services of a qualified NHS midwife for antenatal care in her own home and attendance at the birth.</td>
<td class="evenrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=20">Daalda 13: A Portrait of Homai Vyarwalla</a></div></td><td class="evenrows">Monica Baker</td><td class="evenrows">UK</td><td class="evenrows">1996</td>
<td class="evenrows">23mins</td><td class="evenrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">Homai Vyarawalla was a pioneer in the field of documentary photography. She began taking photographs in the 1930's her work spans more than three decades in the birth of the 'young India' and she is responsible for some of the key images through which this perioed is framed.</td>
<td class="oddrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=225">Silent in The Crowd</a></div></td><td class="oddrows">Monika Baker</td><td class="oddrows">UK</td><td class="oddrows">1991</td>
<td class="oddrows">13mins</td><td class="oddrows">Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">Black Voices, the Birmingham based all-female group of a cappella singers expresses through the lyrics of songs, fused with free-style movement of dances, the issue of the high incidence of serious mental illness among Caribbean immigrants in Britain.</td>
<td class="evenrows">5mins</td><td class="evenrows">16mm, Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">Using a combination of pastel coloured line drawings and atmospheric music, this lively animation captures and recreates all the thrills, spectacle and excitement of the Big Top, and the interaction between audience and performer.</td>
<td class="oddrows">15mins</td><td class="oddrows">Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">A powerfully challenging, experimental video that explores and communicates the filmmaker's feelings towards losing a friend who suffered from bulimia nervosa.</td>
<td class="evenrows">30mins</td><td class="evenrows">16mm, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">AN EPIC POEM explores the contradictions in man's conception of love through the myths and representations, which support it, and argues that man has constructed love in his own image, reflecting his profound anxieties about prohibited desires.</td>
<td class="oddrows">40mins</td><td class="oddrows">16mm, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">COALMINING WOMEN is a documentary about women who have forced their way into 'men's work' in order to gain access to a decent wage.</td>
<td class="evenrows">8mins</td><td class="evenrows">Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">SPACE INVADERS is a science fantasy that maps the terrain of what might have been regarded, in the 60s, as a 'global village', the giant video screen of the disco, the home television and the video arcade game.</td>
<td class="oddrows">28mins</td><td class="oddrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">CASUAL SHOPPER is set in a suburban shopping mall. To the sound of muzak we watch a woman stroll from one store to another, fondling merchandise and pausing only to react to the inquiries of hopeful salespeople.</td>
<td class="evenrows">50mins</td><td class="evenrows">Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">Popular conventions from TV, cinema and theatre are used to drawn attention to issues raised by middle-class feminism. The format parodies typical soap opera programmes and in so doing highlights how, in its attempt to reflect ordinary life, soap opera grossly distorts reality through over-dramatisation and compacting events.</td>
<td class="oddrows">30mins</td><td class="oddrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">LEGAL LIMBO is a documentary which investigates how women in Ireland live through the ordeal of the breakdown of marriage.</td>
<td class="evenrows">20mins</td><td class="evenrows">16mm, Umatic video</td><td class="evenrows">A set of photographs taken by the police in 1922. A contemporary woman who has come across the photographs is haunted by them and tries to imagine what might have happened...the stills become animated, two characters appear and disappear.</td>
<td class="oddrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=339">The Sluts and Goddesses video Workshop</a></div></td><td class="oddrows">Annie Sprinkle, Maria Beatty</td><td class="oddrows">USA</td><td class="oddrows">1992</td>
<td class="oddrows">52mins</td><td class="oddrows">Vhs video, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">This video is a humorous, absurd, heartfelt and worshipful look at SEX. Guided through this unique adventure by sexpert extraordinaire Annie Sprinkle and the 'Transformation Facilitators', you will explore the ancient and forbidden knowledge about female sexuality.</td>
<td class="evenrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=43">Shoot Me Angel</a></div></td><td class="evenrows">Amal Bedjaoui</td><td class="evenrows">France</td><td class="evenrows">1995</td>
<td class="evenrows">9mins</td><td class="evenrows">Vhs video, Umatic video, 35mm</td><td class="evenrows">An erotic urban allegory: a police woman pursues a dark silhouette. A strange duel ensues between violence and desire.</td>
<td class="oddrows"><a href="filmdetail.php?filmId=233">Song of Air</a></div></td><td class="oddrows">Merilee Bennett</td><td class="oddrows">Australia</td><td class="oddrows">1987</td>
<td class="oddrows">26mins</td><td class="oddrows">16mm, Umatic video</td><td class="oddrows">'Life was a series of routines, and Sunday was the worst day of the week. Each New Year, I would check what day Christmas fell on. If it were a Sunday it meant we didn't have to go to Church twice in one week and the whole year felt better.' (Merilee Bennett)</td>
The Gender Centre acknowledges the traditional owners of the land that we reside on. We pay respect to elders past, present and emerging and strive to honour and support indigenous trans and gender diverse folk that we work with, support and share community with.
We recognise aboriginal people as the traditional owners and custodians of the land and water on which we live work and play
We acknowledge sister girls, brother boys trans mob and first nations LGBTIQ+ community members.
The Gender Centre pays particular respect to the Cadigal Wangal people, who are the traditional owners of the land on which we deliver services to the TGD community.