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Do you have legal problems?  We work with Solicitor's from the Inner City Legal Centre regularly offering advice for Gender Centre clients on legal matters, such as Domestic and family Violence, Criminal Law, Civil Law LGBTIQ Law and Victoms Compensation  Call the Centre on (02) 9519 7599 to make an appointment. Appointment is necessary! 

A quick fact sheet to help you update your Medicare & Centrelink details

For transgender people, there can be a range of identity documents that you may want to change so that they properly reflect your gender and name. Here are some of the most common areas where people may want to amend their documents.  Note: A number of the agencies will only change your records if you have had gender reassignment surgery. In other cases, however, it may be possible to change your identity documents if you haven't had surgery. This fact sheet applies to adults who want to change their identity documents. This means people aged eighteen years or over. If a child wishes to change their documents it is important that they seek legal advice.

This fact sheet sets out the law about when and how transgender young people under the age of 18 can access hormonal and medical treatment to help them to transition to their affirmed gender. This is general information, and should not be taken as a substitute for legal advice tailored to your particular circumstances.
